(Medicine) (functioning as singular) the art or practice of diagnosis, esp of di�ag�nos�tic (d g-n s t k). adj. 1. Of, relating to, or used in a diagnosis. 2. Serving /y#716;day#618; y#601;gy#712;ny#594;s ty#618;k/ Show Spelled[dahy-uh g-nos-tik] Show IPA. adjective. 1. of, Diagnostics definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with a : of, relating to, or used in diagnosis ylt;a diagnostic toolygt; b : using the methods of Define diagnostic. What is diagnostic? diagnostic meaning, synonyms and audio diagnostics - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions.Word usage trends for � diagnostics �. View usage over: Last 10 years; Last 50 From CT scans to X-rays, diagnostics is an important field of medical technology 26 Apr 2011 ... righ-sir-die-ag-nos-ticks 1) A person who clearly has no idea about how car
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